Journal #4

 November 30 

          Ever since the election happened, I honestly hope things will get better and we can go back to our normals lives.

December 1 

           The relationship that influence me is the one with myself. I want to grow it because I not that confident with myself and my self esteem.

December 2 

         There is a hero in my life, my mom. She cam be my hero for time to time, but sometimes not really. There are times when I need a hero but just can’t call out for her. It’s hard for me but hey she’s still my hero. 

December 3 

               My sisters and I were watching a ballerina movie. My sister is pretty flexible compared to me and my other sister. That girl can do the cartwheel, stand oh her hands, and do the splits. At one point she told me to try the splits. That women is a hardcore teacher to this. It’s scary. All in all, I still can’t do the split. Sad. 

December 4 

               It would probably be the worst day ever. Like no, just no. Day is ruined. Goodbye. No comment.


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