Your "Right" 

    Would you give up your "right" to your own opinion? I don't think no one would. Two people come together and talk about their opinions. Their thoughts don't match, they start to argue. After their argument is over they'll come to a conclusion. If they've never talked over their opinions that lead to an argument, they wouldn't have come to a conclusion. 

    Having your right to your opinion is good. A example would be a classes. Classes change when you get to a higher grade. Maybe for kindergarten you had only one class. Maybe two or more through out elementary. Now you have six in high school. Some may think we should have a less of classes but more hours. Others will think we should have more classes with less hours. This shows how some have the same opinions as others. Which then could possible lead to an argument. 

    Arguments is something that can happen anywhere or time. The argue could be about laws, politics, school, science, or anything really. Here's an example, you and your classmate have your own opinions to a question about classes. Your opinions are very different. You think you should have more classes with less hours. While they think less classes but more hours. The argument starts with which opinions is better for the school. Discussions between more students come. Finally they come to a conclusion. 

    The conclusion is less classes, more hours. In the first paragraph, you only had one or more classes in elementary. All talking about subjects that you now in high school have separate classes for. Why need so many classes of other subjects when you could take the ones you really need. Like take the classes you need to pass for the whole school year while the rest just half the school year. That way when passing the classes that are small, you could do the other classes you want to do. The ones that would be a year long are math and English. Science half of the school year and the history the other half. 

    All in all, if you didn't have your own opinion, you couldn't come to an agreement. Without your own opinion, your letting the other person think their opinion is right. They could be wrong but for you they aren't. That is why we need opinions, even if they are wrong, it is yours and not someone else.  The argue will lead to a conclusion or agreement. Either agree or disagree. What matters is you both said your own opinions, argued on it, and came to a conclusion. That's good. You may disagree with me on how I wrote this, and that's just fine. After all, you have your right to your opinion.


  1. Really important thoughts here - thanks for sharing! If your reader only remembered one idea from this essay, what would you want that idea to be?


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