
Showing posts from October, 2020

How I Read Les Misérables

The book so far is pretty good. It gives a good background on either were the character is or going to. I like that about the book. The thing is, books that have a lot of pages aren't my cup of tea. But this book makes an inspection to me reading it. So far its pretty good. The Bishop seems like a pretty good man. He's kind and calm to people. Three techniques Victor Hugo used was foreshowing, second person, and characterization. 

Les Misérables Ch 10

Chapter X           In this chapter, someone new is introduced to us. However in the beginning of this chapter, it started kind of spooky. It says, ".....with a sort of horror in the little world of D−....A member of the Convention....This man was a monster." Something about how the the writer described this character gives a bad feeling. Like something is gonna happen. Like a plot twist or a character that will comeback.

How I Read

          I personally do enjoy reading only when it's book I'm interested in. I enjoy horror, fantasy, sometimes history, animals, and few other genres but I forgot the names of them. The time I did really enjoy reading was in 3rd grade. My teacher made it fun by having good books and a contest. The contest was to read a lot of books, pass the test, and tell him what the book was from memory. If a lot of us had high points, we would have a pizza party. That was pretty fun because I discovered a book I will forever love. It's the autobiography of Helen Keller. She is one of my favorite history women's along side of Harriet Tubman. Now I still enjoy horror, mystery, . One series of books I like was The Bailey School Kids by Debbie Dadey and Marcia Jones. Also Junie B. Jones, Ramona Quimby, and The Chronicles of Narnia.           From the text of How We Read, to tells four steps to reading. One, read books you love. Don't grab a ...

Dr. Quinn Extra Credit

          Dr. Quinn's perspective on learning technology and science is quite interesting. For starters, I listen to him talk about his work and how it allows him to teach people. He even brought up how he went to his kids school to talk to the teachers some issue. That was one short story to pass time huh? Anyways, all in all it was nice to listen to someone speak of technology and how it helps people. Even though I just heard to two grown adult men talk about technology and science. 

Les Misérables Ch 9

 Chapter IX          In this chapter, there is a letter mention in the text. It is a letter of the sister of the Bishop, Mademoiselle Baptistine. In the letter it shows that she cares deeply of her brother. Even though she doesn't like very much what he does she knows he does it for a good cause.

Les Misérables Ch 8

 Chapter VIII           In this chapter, it talks about a man talking to the Bishop. However, the man the Bishop was speaking to was drunk. He started to speak of his life and what is life. What is life after death? Is there even a God after death. The man kept on talking to the Bishop till even the Bishop agreed to the mans thought. Still, he thought again of the situation but in his own point of view. 

It's Symbolic

 1) Three symbols I encounter is the STOP sign, Railroad sign, and the neon green sign with people walking.  2) I think the green lights mean go. Like go do what you go to do. Or I think the green means to continue with whatever ended.  3) We are similar to animals because we communicate to one another like they do. 4) We speak words and animals make noises like meows, woof, or chirps. 5) I think stories and symbols help impower people in big organizations because if they're all in one big group then they all have the same thought. Like a logo for a company, there's a group of people that are together making it.

Les Misérables Ch 7

 Chapter VII      In this chapter, the Bishop is on his way to Chastelar. The mayor stops him and asks him if he really thinks of going in the woods alone. The Bishop responds with a yes, he is going to visit a small community. Still the mayor said what if you encounter a brigand? What if they rob him or worse kill him. The Bishop tells him, I have nothing for them rob and if I die, I'll die as a old priest. He finally is let to go with a small child as guide. When he arrives at the community, to his surprise he finds a treasure that was stolen a month ago. It said, " From Cravatte to Monseingneur Bienvenu. " When he left he went empty handed and now came back hands full. However, when he go home, there was a note near the Bishops papers saying, " The  question is, to decide whether this should be turned over to the cathedral or to the hospital. "

Pages From My Journal #2


Pages From My Journal #1


Les Misérables Ch 6

Chapter VI      The chapter begins with explaining the house they lived in. A ground floor with three rooms, three chambers on the one story, and a attic and garden behind the house. More details of how the house is decorated and their rooms. On the first floor was the Bishop and Mademoiselle Baptistine. Her room was decorated with chairs of wood and yellow furniture with flower stamps. The rest of the house was decorated with antique stuff, pictures with frames, and a nice dinning hall. The Bishops just had his bed and his cupboard.

Les Misérables Ch 3, 4, & 5

  Chapter Ⅲ      In this chapter, the Bishop traveled by foot to thirty-two curacies, forty-one vicarships, and two hundred and eighty-five auxiliary chapels. He arrived to Seniz, an ancient city where is is received by mayor at the gate. His appearance shocked the people there since he looked not so good and came riding a donkey. As a priest instead of a preach, he talked. He gave examples of a helpful neighborhoods like, the people of Briançon. The help out the poor, orphans, widows, rebuild houses if ruined, and there hasn't been a single murder. He continued giving examples till he couldn't think of any.  Chapter Ⅳ     In this chapter, there a rich lady called Madame la Comtesse de Lô who had three sons. Each son was an heir to a relative. The youngest was heir to his grandaunt of hundred thousand livres, the second was heir to the entail of the Duke, his uncle, and the oldest was to succeed his grandfathers peerage. The Bishop told ...