How I Read

        I personally do enjoy reading only when it's book I'm interested in. I enjoy horror, fantasy, sometimes history, animals, and few other genres but I forgot the names of them. The time I did really enjoy reading was in 3rd grade. My teacher made it fun by having good books and a contest. The contest was to read a lot of books, pass the test, and tell him what the book was from memory. If a lot of us had high points, we would have a pizza party. That was pretty fun because I discovered a book I will forever love. It's the autobiography of Helen Keller. She is one of my favorite history women's along side of Harriet Tubman. Now I still enjoy horror, mystery, . One series of books I like was The Bailey School Kids by Debbie Dadey and Marcia Jones. Also Junie B. Jones, Ramona Quimby, and The Chronicles of Narnia. 

        From the text of How We Read, to tells four steps to reading. One, read books you love. Don't grab a book you know you won't enjoy. Instead look for a book that speaks out to you. Two, see more deeper to why you don't like a specific type of book. Don't judge it because some people might like the book. You could maybe listen why they like the book. Three, rethink to yourself what reading is. As a kid, we are told or given a book to read. Some enjoy it some don't. There were also probably words you didn't understand at all. Four, don't look for the answers on the page but look for them yourself. Develop a confidence that you can find the answers. 

        All in all, look for a book you know you will enjoy and won't leave it in two days. Also that you will understand and enjoy it. I think that is what reading should be about. Instead of being told or given a book to read. So sit down or lay down, have something to eat or drink, and read a book that is of your choice.


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