Les Misérables Ch 7

 Chapter VII 

    In this chapter, the Bishop is on his way to Chastelar. The mayor stops him and asks him if he really thinks of going in the woods alone. The Bishop responds with a yes, he is going to visit a small community. Still the mayor said what if you encounter a brigand? What if they rob him or worse kill him. The Bishop tells him, I have nothing for them rob and if I die, I'll die as a old priest. He finally is let to go with a small child as guide. When he arrives at the community, to his surprise he finds a treasure that was stolen a month ago. It said, "From Cravatte to Monseingneur Bienvenu." When he left he went empty handed and now came back hands full. However, when he go home, there was a note near the Bishops papers saying, "The  question is, to decide whether this should be turned over to the cathedral or to the hospital."


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