Finial Reflection For World Literature 2020-2021
This semester was unlike any other because it was online. Is this what bein homeschooled is like? Anyways, this semester year was good. I saw some new names, some familiar ones, and a kind English teacher. Here are some recaps of this school semester.
The differences between this course and any other course are doing a blog. I’ve never done one so doing one now is new to me. Looking back at what we’ve done as a class and how it’s different form my other class is surprising. This is the only class that I talk in. My other classes not really because everyone is quite the whole time. The meaningful things in class are discussion, when answering questions, and reading Les Misérables.
What I learned in this course was to open up my mind to new things. For example, I didn't think I would be doing a blog or journals. I honestly enjoy doing the journals because it's like I get to express myself. Feel free. Also learned how to take pictures of my writing and post it instead of writing it. The blog I think I'll use it in the future. I love drawing so I think it'll be fun to post my drawings on my blog. In this course, I learned to improve my vocabulary. My vocabulary isn't really the best but reading Les Misérables helped me improve it. Since the book has bigger words, I can use different words instead of repeating myself
I think what I could have done better would have been my Literature Analysis. I like how I wrote but I think I could have written more. The book I choose had a few more events that I didn't include. That's one thing I could have done better in.
Three books that I've read is Les Misérables, Red Thread Sisters, and a comic The Remarried Empress. In Les Misérables, Victor Hugo used foreshadowing and run-on sentences. Almost on every chapter title was a foreshadowing of what was gonna happen. Run-on sentences to show what the character is trying to say. In Red Thread Sisters, Carol Peacock used similes like, "Wen sank into her soft bed, her sheets as fragrant as the peonies that grew behind the orphanage". In the Remarried Empress, Alphatart and Sumpul use mood and first person point of view. The one telling the story is the Empress Navier and the text has a different mood every clip. For example, " After coming back form the Villa...I had to catch up on all my work as well as taking on some of Sovieshu's work while he recovered. So the next few days went by a blur." From this text, I can tell that she is very stressful and tired. I felt that very much.
That is a recap of this semester. It was quite difficult of getting used to online but at the end of the day, I managed just fine. We all went through a struggle of getting used to online work, but now its almost over. One more week and we have a break. All in all, this was a good semester to say the least.
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