Literature Analysis #1

1)       The story I choose is Red Thread Sisters by Carol Antoinette Peacock for my literature analysis. The story starts with the main character, Zhang Wen who lives in a Chinese orphanage. She lives there with her bestfriend, Shu Ling. They've hoped and dreamed of getting adopted together until it came true. Wen got adopted by an American family that live in Boston. Before she leaves to Boston, Wen promises to Shu Ling that she'll find her a family before she turns 14. Her new family is very kind to her. She also meets her new little sister called Emily. When she arrives to America, everything is new to her and she has to adjust to her new life. Since she doesn't know much English, its hard for her to communicate with her family and at school. Now more that Emily wants play with her but Wen doesn't really want to. For her, her only sister is Ling. Ever since Wen's mother abandoned her in the orphanage a long time ago, Shu Ling looked after as a older sister. That made Emily very sad. Back in the orphanage, time was running out for Shu Ling to be adopted. An important detail of Shu Ling is her right leg is misshapen, twisted inward and its shorter than her left leg. Shu Ling thinks she won't get adopted because of her leg. Who would want a child with a twisted leg? But that didn't stop Wen to find her a family. With the help of her new family she started searching for families that wanted a daughter. In the processes of looking, Wen started to grow a relationship with me mother and father, even with Emily. She grew to love them and even tell them that she loves them. After looking and looking for families, they found a one. The perfect family for Shu Ling before her 14 birthday. It ends with a happy ending. Wen and Shu Ling see each other again, and meet each others families. At the end, they hug for long time, say goodbye, and walk towards their own families that they have hoped for. They'll always be in each others heart even if they're miles away. 

2)      The main theme of the story is adoptions. On the very last page of the book, there are websites of children who are up for adoption. I suppose the author put it there incase if any families want to adopt. 

3)       Hmmm, well I believe Peacock would try to wake up early to start of her day with good positivity. In the first chapter, page 6, Wen is telling Shu Ling to wake up early or she'll get in trouble. I think that might mean she has to get up early but just has trouble with it. Honestly, I understand her. It cost me to get up early and if I do, I need some coffee asap. Probably after or before breakfast, Peacock might meditate. In the story, Wen and Shu Ling mention their favorite spot, a peaceful place up a hill with a tree for shade. Just like in the story, she might like some peaceful time. I personal just need a moment for myself to get up and start my day. If I'm being honest, I probably go back to sleep. As for the breakfast, something healthy like omelets, pancakes, or oatmeal with fruit. For my breakfast, its been either oatmeal with fruit or eggs. In mostly every book there is small background summery of the author. In this case it mostly talks about how Peacock found her red thread sisters. However, they way she talks about them is very sweet. So I believe she is a kind-hearted person who cares deeply for other. Along side with trying to get out of bed, but hey its just my thought

4)       Some of the literary techniques are similes, metaphors, flashbacks, protagonist, and point of view. In the beginning of the first chapter, a similes is mentioned in page three, Wen was looking for Shu Ling and found crouched like a cricked. "Then she found her friend, crouched like a cricket on a stack of tires." Flashbacks are mentioned from to time through out the story. In chapter 2 page 16 and 17, Wen has flashbacks of when her mother left her at the orphanage. A few other flashbacks come to Wens mind when she remembers Shu Ling. Wen is the main protagonist. However I believe it is second person reading but mostly of Wens views.


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